Casual to Confident Piano Player

The Blog

How To Ask The Right Questions for piano teachers Apr 20, 2023

Most teachers will price their lessons based on the ‘market standard,’ or their qualifications.

And EVERY SINGLE TIME, this leads to teachers undervaluing their services.

When teachers set out to name their price, they’ll often do research about what the...

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Who is You 2.0? for piano teachers Apr 20, 2023

Every single time I’ve increased my income it’s come directly after I linked arms with a mentor.

Investing in business coaching has given me access to people (and their helpful knowledge) that are doing things I want to do.

It used to be hard for me to invest...

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Practicing Piano Effectively and Efficiently Apr 19, 2023

One of the biggest struggles I see students experience is NOT KNOWING HOW TO STRUCTURE their piano practice.


Imagine you’re about to practice the piano. You sit down, pull out a piece, and start playing through it. It goes fine, and so you play through it again. Things sound ok, so...

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Learning by Observing Apr 13, 2023

When I was in college, we had a weekly performance class where we would gather in the recital hall every Tuesday night and play for each other. Part of the point of this class was to practice performing and to get better at knowing our performance routines.


However, a lot of the benefits...

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My Story - How I Scale Up As A Piano Teacher for piano teachers Apr 13, 2023

In 2019 I was pregnant with my first child and teaching 50 hours a week in my own private studio and at a local college. 


At that point, I had been teaching private piano lessons for 13 years and I had DONE IT ALL. 


Driven to people’s houses to give piano lessons...

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The Biggest Lie Piano Teachers Believe for piano teachers Apr 13, 2023

I’ve been teaching for over 15 years…and throughout the years, I have told myself SO MANY LIES about my business.


But the biggest lie that I told myself for a long time (and that I often hear other teachers say as well), is that…


You can’t raise your rates....

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Gain Confidence With the Chopin Nocturnes Apr 06, 2023

Chopin is such an amazing composer and it’s no wonder that millions of people love his music. The Nocturnes are a personal favorite of mine. A Nocturne is a ‘night song’ and a nocturne usually has a subdued mood. They are peaceful, serene, and calm….

Or so I was taught....

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Manifestation in Piano Practice Mar 29, 2023

How many of you have actually practiced manifestation? 

I have recently been learning a little more about manifestation and have been realizing that I’ve actually been practicing it for a LONG time, I just didn't know what it was. Manifestation is essentially bringing about a desired...

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My FAVORITE Practice Techniques that Solve Every Problem revolutionary technique methods Mar 23, 2023

I talk about these methods A LOT. It’s hard for me to teach a lesson, film a video, or give ANYONE advice without mentioning one of these methods.

These three methods were complete game-changers for me when I learned about them. The BULK of my piano practice at this point honestly...

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How To Sound Musical Mar 16, 2023

Playing musically is the ultimate goal for everyone that is trying to learn how to play the piano, right?! Music speaks to each of us in a special way. I know this is true, otherwise, you wouldn’t be here trying to learn even more about playing the piano.

There are so many things to pay...

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Learn by Listening and Observing Mar 10, 2023

When we are practicing and playing the piano, we are using a large part of our brain. No really - we are coordinating movement in both hands at the same time, our sense of vision, hearing, and touch are all activated, we’re prioritizing certain information AND making choices about what to...

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Smoother Piano Playing Using a Practice Technique from Glenn Gould revolutionary technique methods Mar 01, 2023

Who doesn’t want smoother piano playing?!

One of my favorite techniques for smoother piano playing comes from the infamous Glenn Gould. 

If you don't know who Glenn Gould is – he's an incredibly famous concert pianist from the 20th century whose performances of box music in...

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