Casual to Confident Piano Player

3 Revolutionary Practice Methods to Overcome Piano Playing Frustrations

revolutionary technique methods Jul 26, 2023
piano practice method

Learning to play the piano is an exhilarating journey, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. At some point, we all encounter moments when we get stuck in a piece, desperately seeking a way to break free from the rut and make our music beautiful, expressive, and musical. If you've found yourself in such a situation, fret not! In this blog post, I'll share three revolutionary practice methods that can help you get unstuck, no matter what obstacle you're facing. These techniques are designed to improve your clarity, precision, and understanding, transforming your piano practice and taking your playing to new heights.


The Post-it Method: A Versatile Tool for Musical Problem-Solving

The Post-it Method is a game-changer when it comes to overcoming challenges in your piano playing. It involves using Post-it notes to isolate and focus on small sections of music that you find difficult or unclear. This technique is exceptionally versatile and can help you both identify and address issues.

Here's how it works:

  • Identify the section that is causing you trouble.
  • Break that section down into smaller chunks, such as a measure, a line, or even a single beat.
  • Place Post-it notes at the beginning and end of each isolated section to mark them.
  • Now, focus on these small sections individually and work on them until you feel confident and comfortable.

The beauty of the Post-it Method lies in its ability to pinpoint the specific issue and then address it effectively. It could be a fingering problem, a rhythm issue, or a tricky transition between notes. This practice method enables you to hone in on the exact challenge, leading to quicker improvement and a more polished performance.


Counting Out Loud: Mastering Rhythm and Precision

Counting out loud might seem elementary, but it is a powerful technique that can significantly enhance your piano playing. When you count out loud while practicing, you force yourself to become intimately familiar with the notes you play and their exact timing. This heightened awareness results in clearer signals from your brain to your hands, leading to improved accuracy and musicality.

While counting out loud, start with smaller segments like a measure or half a measure. Gradually expand to longer sections as you become more proficient. At first, it might feel like you're slowing down your progress, but this is a necessary step in developing a strong rhythmic foundation. Commit to counting out loud for a week or two, and you'll witness remarkable improvements in your playing.


Playing with 98% Accuracy: The Power of Focused Repetition

Many pianists make the mistake of mindlessly repeating a challenging passage without focusing on precision. The "98% Accuracy" approach emphasizes deliberate practice and requires you to play a passage correctly at least 98% of the time.

Here's how to implement this technique:

  • Identify the problematic section you wish to improve.
  • Play the section slowly and accurately ten times in a row.
  • Aim to achieve 98% accuracy, meaning at least nine or ten out of ten repetitions must be flawless.
  • Once you've reached this level of accuracy, move on to the next section.
  • The key here is to avoid rushing through the repetitions and instead, maintain a slow pace to ensure your hands learn the correct movements. As you build consistency and accuracy, the challenging part will gradually become second nature, allowing you to proceed with confidence.

Frustration during piano practice is a common experience, but with the right techniques, you can swiftly overcome any obstacle in your playing. The revolutionary practice methods shared in this blog post - the Post-it Method, counting out loud, and the 98% Accuracy approach - are simple yet powerful tools to elevate your piano playing to new heights.

So, the next time you find yourself stuck in a musical rut, remember to break down the problem with Post-it notes, count out loud to enhance rhythm and precision and practice with deliberate repetition to achieve 98% accuracy. By incorporating these methods into your practice routine, you'll unlock your true potential and experience the joy of making beautiful, expressive music at the piano. Happy practicing!

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