Speed Reader 

Increase your sight reading accuracy in 3 simple steps so that you can play with more expression and flow, every time.


Grab the Replay for FREE!

Sight reading with freedom and ease does not require musical genius.


It takes a little bit of the right kind of practice.

This class is perfect for you if:

You are an adult piano player that took lessons as a kid and you’re back at it after a long break and wondering if it’s too late
You’ve been learning mostly on your own through free resources and you feel like a piece of the puzzle is missing
You struggle with wrong notes no matter how much you practice and you’re stuck reading note by note

During this one-hour, value packed FREE class you will:

Learn which mistakes are holding you back and how to get through them every time.

Discover the 3 simple steps to being a speed reader by learning how to practice sight reading correctly.

Receive an additional bonus if you stay for the whole class: 


A Set of Note Mastery Cards

Designed for quick wins and easy practice, these 28 mastery cards are a simple way for you to practice note reading with speed without adding a ton of practice time to your routine.


Grab the Replay Now!

Enter your info to secure your spot for this live event and a confirmation email with more details will be sent to you.

Do you think sight reading with expression might be impossible for you? 


I totally get it. 

I’ve spent years working with thousands of adults from all over the world to help them become the best pianists they can be. 

One thing I find to be true is that ALL adults are pretty hard on themselves....and sometimes doubt their abilities to reach their goals. Sound familiar?

But over the years I’ve learned that EVERY SINGLE PIANO PLAYER can reach their goals - including learning to sight read with less wrong notes and more freedom. 

Including you.


Grab the Replay for FREE!

Any questions? Here’s what past students have asked before reserving their seats: