Take this quiz now to see which revolutionary practice method will help you get unstuck so that you can hit the right notes, fix your rhythm issues, and play beautiful music TODAY.
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Question 1 of 5
You have an hour to practice! How are you most likely to fill this practice time?
I have my routine written down, so I’ll likely rotate through my pieces with breaks in between and stay super focused during this hour.
I’ll play through pieces I love.
Not sure, but I’m excited to sit down and see what I end up doing.
Question 2 of 5
What is your favorite kind of music to play?
Everything - I love all genres.
Mostly Classical Music
Question 3 of 5
What’s your biggest struggle in piano playing?
Rhythm, notes, dynamics, and all the stuff on the page.
Expressing myself and playing musically
I’m not sure, but I know I want to get better.
Question 4 of 5
What have you already done to get better at piano?
Private lessons - I have a teacher now!
I had lessons in the past, but I’m back at it on my own.
I have done an online course or two.
I want to get better but have no idea how to go about it.
I watch a ton of free tutorials.
Question 5 of 5
Do you struggle more with learning new pieces or with fixing mistakes in pieces you’re already into?
Learning New Pieces
Fixing mistakes in pieces I’m already into